The Guide to Mixed Methods Research

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Curious about mixed methods research? This guide breaks down the basic approaches, mixed methods designs, common errors and how to write a report to get you started.
  1. What is Mixed Methods Research?
  2. Advantages of Mixed Methods Research
  3. Challenges in Mixed Methods Research
  4. Common Mistakes in Mixed Methods Research
  5. Mixed Methods Research Paradigms
  6. Validity & Reliability in Mixed Methods Research
    1. Introduction
    2. Validity in qualitative research
    3. Reliability in qualitative research
    4. Validity and reliability in quantitative research
    5. Validity threats in mixed methods designs
    6. Conclusion
  7. Ethical Considerations in Mixed Methods Research
  8. Mixed Methods vs. Multiple Methods Research
  9. Mixed Methods Research Designs
  10. How to Choose the Right Mixed Methods Design
  11. Convergent Parallel Design
  12. Explanatory Sequential Design
  13. Exploratory Sequential Design
  14. Embedded Mixed Methods Research Design
  15. Transformative Mixed Methods Design
  16. Multiphase Mixed Methods Research Design
  17. How to Conduct Mixed Methods Research
  18. Sampling Strategies in Mixed Methods Research
  19. Data Collection in Mixed Methods Research
  20. Triangulation in Mixed Methods Research
  21. Data Analysis in Mixed Methods Research
  22. How to Integrate Quantitative & Qualitative Data?
  23. How to Interpret Mixed Methods Research Findings?
  24. Software Tools for Mixed Methods Data Analysis
  25. How to Write a Mixed Methods Research Proposal
  26. How to Write a Mixed Methods Research Paper?
  27. Reporting Results in Mixed Methods Research
  28. Mixed Methods Research Examples
  29. How to cite "The Guide to Mixed Methods Research"

Validity & Reliability in Mixed Methods Research

In mixed methods, validity is a topic of discussion among researchers. While a lot use it in their discussions, use of the term validity is constantly being challenged. Read more about the background and the basics of reliability and validity in mixed methods research in this article.


Over time, discussions on reliability and validity in mixed methods research have evolved to address the unique challenges of integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches. Early efforts sought to align validity with the established criteria used in both traditions. Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998) were among the first to examine how validity considerations could bridge these methodological paradigms, setting the foundation for assessing rigor in mixed methods research.

By the mid-2000s, scholars expanded the discourse to include validation strategies specific to mixed methods. Onwuegbuzie and Johnson (2006) introduced a framework of nine types of legitimation, identifying quality concerns unique to mixed methods studies. These included sample integration legitimation, which evaluates how different participant groups contribute to the findings, and paradigmatic mixing legitimation, which considers the compatibility of underlying philosophical assumptions.

Subsequent contributions refined these perspectives. Dellinger and Leech (2007) incorporated validity into a broader construct validation framework, categorizing strategies across quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods perspectives. Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009) advanced this work by introducing concepts such as design quality, which assesses the appropriateness of research design for addressing specific questions, and interpretive rigor, which evaluates how well findings align with theoretical frameworks and real-world applications.

As mixed methods research matured, scholars emphasized the importance of tailoring validation strategies to specific study designs. O’Cathain (2010) proposed a structured framework for maintaining validity across all stages of a mixed methods study, from planning to dissemination. Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) reinforced this perspective by stressing the need to align validity considerations with different mixed methods approaches. Ivankova (2014) applied these principles in practice, demonstrating how researchers can ensure rigor in explanatory sequential designs by integrating qualitative and quantitative data in a structured manner.

These evolving discussions highlight the increasing sophistication of validation strategies in mixed methods research. From early conceptualizations of validity to contemporary frameworks addressing study-specific concerns, researchers have developed nuanced approaches to ensuring rigor. As the field continues to advance, further refinements will likely emerge, strengthening the quality and credibility of mixed methods research.

Validity in qualitative research

In qualitative analysis validity is emphasized more than reliability. Qualitative validity ensures the accuracy of findings, which is determined through researchers, participants, and peer reviewers. Over time, alternative terms for qualitative validity, such as trustworthiness and authenticity, have emerged. Establishing qualitative validity can be challenging due to the wide range of approaches available, but it is critical for ensuring credible research (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2018).

Checking for validity in qualitative data analysis involves assessing the accuracy of the collected data. This includes ensuring credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. Strategies for validating qualitative research findings include:

  • Member checking – Researchers present summaries of their findings (such as case studies, major themes, or theoretical models) to key participants for verification. This ensures that the interpretations align with participants’ experiences.
  • Triangulation – Using multiple sources, such as interviews, observations, and documents, strengthens the validity of the study. This process involves corroborating evidence from different data points.
  • Disconfirming evidence – Including data that contradicts the primary themes identified during analysis enhances the study’s credibility. Real-world data often contain conflicting perspectives, so reporting these discrepancies ensures a balanced interpretation.
  • Peer debriefing and external auditing – Engaging independent researchers or auditors to review the data and findings provides an additional layer of validation. Peers familiar with qualitative research methods can assess whether the conclusions are logical and well-supported by the data.

Reliability in qualitative research

Reliability in qualitative research plays a secondary role compared to validity. It primarily concerns the consistency of coding and interpretation among researchers. One key aspect of qualitative reliability is the intercoder agreement, which involves multiple coders applying the same codes to text passages and then comparing their results. To maintain reliability, researchers should:

  • Maintain a detailed codebook to define codes clearly and avoid shifts in meaning.
  • Conduct regular team discussions to ensure coding consistency.
  • Cross-check codes among researchers to achieve high intercoder reliability (typically 80% agreement is considered acceptable).

While reliability is less emphasized in qualitative research, ensuring consistency in coding enhances the trustworthiness of findings. Together, qualitative validity and reliability contribute to the overall rigor of qualitative research.

Validity and reliability in quantitative research

In quantitative studies, validity and reliability are the key data quality measures. Validity refers to whether a measurement actually measures what it is intended to measure. In other words, a valid tool in quantitative analyses would accurately capture the phenomenon being studied, without being influenced by external or unrelated factors. There are different types of validity stemming from multiple analysis methods:

  • Content validity: Does the test or measurement cover the full range of the concept being measured?
  • Criterion-related validity: How well does the test or instrument correlate with an outcome or behavior that it is supposed to predict?
  • Construct validity: Does the test truly measure the theoretical construct it is supposed to measure?

Reliability refers to the consistency or stability of a measurement over time or across different raters or instruments. Thus, a reliable measurement tool would produce consistent quantitative findings when the research is repeated under similar conditions. There are several types of reliability related to different statistical procedures:

  • Test-retest reliability: Are the results obtained consistent when the same test is administered to the same group at two different points in time?
  • Inter-rater reliability: To what degree do different researchers or raters agree when assessing the same phenomenon?
  • Internal consistency: Are multiple items that are supposed to measure the same concept (e.g., in a quantitative survey) consistent with each other?

Validity threats in mixed methods designs

Validity threats in mixed methods research arise from the integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Each mixed methods design presents unique challenges that can compromise the study’s credibility, requiring specific strategies to mitigate these risks.

Convergent design

A common validity threat in a convergent mixed methods design is the failure to use parallel concepts for both the quantitative and qualitative data collection. When concepts are not aligned, mixed methods research designs may risk convergent validity, a type of content validity that can make the integration of findings problematic. To address this, researchers should create parallel questions that ensure consistency across data strands.

Another challenge is the use of unequal sample sizes in quantitative and qualitative data collection. This can skew results, especially if the comparison is at the individual level. To minimize this threat, researchers should use equal sample sizes when comparing data for each participant or acknowledge different sampling intents, such as using qualitative data for in-depth insights while quantitative data provides broader generalization.

Keeping results from different databases separate is another threat that undermines the purpose of a convergent design. Without a proper integration strategy, the results remain isolated, reducing the study’s overall coherence and internal consistency. Researchers should apply a convergent data analysis strategy, such as joint displays or side-by-side comparisons, to merge and compare the findings effectively.

Additionally, failing to resolve disconfirming results weakens the study’s face validity, or how much study seems to capture what it intends to analyze. When discrepancies arise, researchers should engage in further analysis, re-examine data, or consider new interpretations to ensure the validity of the integrated findings.

Explanatory sequential design

In an explanatory sequential design, one significant threat to meaningful triangulation is failing to identify key quantitative results that require explanation. If researchers overlook important findings, the qualitative follow-up may not adequately address the core issues. To prevent this, researchers should consider all possible explanations for both significant and nonsignificant predictors in the quantitative phase.

Another challenge is not using qualitative data to explain surprising or contradictory quantitative results, which could harm the content validity and internal consistency of the multiple methods. Gaps in interpretation could weaken the study’s credibility. To mitigate this, qualitative data collection should be designed to probe unexpected results through open-ended questions that explore underlying reasons. In addition, researchers may qualitative methods such as member checking and peer debriefing.

Another issue is failing to connect the initial quantitative results with the qualitative follow-up. If the two phases are not meaningfully linked, the study loses its explanatory power. Purposefully selecting qualitative participants based on quantitative results ensures that the qualitative data provides relevant and targeted explanations, strengthening the integration of findings.

Exploratory sequential design

An important validity threat in exploratory sequential design is failing to build the quantitative component based on qualitative findings. If the quantitative phase does not directly stem from qualitative insights, the study lacks internal consistency. Researchers should explicitly outline how each major qualitative finding informs the design of the quantitative phase.

Additionally, failing to develop rigorous quantitative features undermines the credibility of the study. Researchers should adopt systematic procedures, such as using psychometrically sound instruments or piloting intervention materials, to enhance the reliability of the quantitative phase.

Another common mistake is selecting participants for the quantitative phase from the same pool as the qualitative sample. This can limit generalizability and introduce biases. To counteract this, researchers should use a larger and independent sample for the quantitative phase to ensure broader applicability of the findings.

Mixed methods participatory-social justice design

In transformative or participatory-social justice designs, the previously mentioned validity and reliability concerns for quantitative and qualitative methods are pertinent, but there are additional concerns unique to within this kind of social and behavioral research. For one, failing to clearly identify the participatory focus or social justice lens weakens the study’s impact. Researchers should establish this focus early and ensure that all methodological decisions align with the participatory framework.

Another issue is not specifying the core design embedded within the participatory approach. Without this clarity, the study lacks methodological coherence. Identifying the core mixed methods design and linking it to the social justice framework ensures rigor.

An additional threat is failing to connect integrated results to potential action and social change. Without explicit links to real-world applications, the study may not achieve its intended purpose. Researchers should develop joint displays that connect specific findings to actionable steps for social change.

Another common issue is marginalizing participants in the research process. This contradicts the participatory approach and can undermine the study’s credibility. Researchers should involve participants at all stages, from decision-making to implementation, ensuring their voices shape the study’s direction.


Ensuring reliability and validity in mixed methods research requires a thoughtful approach that integrates qualitative and quantitative methods effectively. While the concept of validity has been debated in the field, researchers continue to refine frameworks to assess rigor in mixed methods studies. Various strategies, including triangulation, member checking, and systematic data integration, contribute to strengthening validity in qualitative research, while quantitative research relies on statistical measures to ensure accuracy and replicability.

Each mixed methods design presents unique challenges that require tailored strategies to mitigate validity threats. Convergent designs must align parallel concepts across data sources, explanatory sequential designs need strong linkages between quantitative and qualitative phases, and exploratory sequential designs must ensure that the quantitative component builds directly on qualitative insights. Participatory-social justice designs demand clear articulation of the social justice lens and active involvement of participants to uphold the integrity of the research process.

As mixed methods research continues to evolve, scholars are developing increasingly sophisticated approaches to validating findings. The integration of qualitative and quantitative methods enhances the depth and applicability of research, providing a comprehensive understanding of complex phenomena. By addressing validity threats systematically and maintaining methodological rigor, researchers can produce credible, well-supported conclusions that contribute meaningfully to their respective fields.


  1. Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.
  2. Tashakkori, A., & Teddlie, C. (1998). Mixed Methodology: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  3. Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Johnson, R. B. (2006). The Validity Issue in Mixed Research. Research in the Schools, 13(1), 48-63.
  4. Dellinger, A. B., & Leech, N. L. (2007). Toward a Unified Validation Framework in Mixed Methods Research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(4), 309-332.
  5. O’Cathain, A. (2010). Assessing the Quality of Mixed Methods Research: Toward a Comprehensive Framework. In A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral Research (2nd ed., pp. 531-555). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  6. Ivankova, N. V. (2014). Implementing Quality Criteria in Designing and Conducting a Sequential QUAN → QUAL Mixed Methods Study of Student Engagement with Learning Applied Research Methods Online. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 8(1), 25-51.
  7. Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2011). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  8. Teddlie, C., & Tashakkori, A. (2009). Foundations of Mixed Methods Research: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.