If you have an active license for ATLAS.ti 9, please log into your account at my.atlasti.com. You can either download the new installer for ATLAS.ti 24 directly (if you have a subscription license or qualify for a free upgrade) or find a button that lets you buy the upgrade for your license at a discount from our shop.
Users of older program versions (v.6. v.7, or v.8), please send us an email including your license key to buy an upgrade to ATLAS.ti 25 at a reduced rate. This offer is limited and may end at any time.
Please write to: [email protected]
Before ordering an upgrade, please make sure your computer is actually ready for the latest version of ATLAS.ti. See system requirements.
If you have an installation of ATLAS.ti 9, ATLAS.ti 24 on your computer and install ATLAS.ti 25, your library will be automatically copied to the new version. No manual steps are required.
If you have an older installation of ATLAS.ti (e.g, v.7), create a project bundle in .atlproc or .atlproj format. Import these bundles manually in ATLAS.ti 25 via the “Import Project” option from the start screen.
Only registered licenses can be upgraded. — If you have an older license, something goes wrong with the online upgrade, or if you’re not sure how to proceed, contact our Support Team write to [email protected]. Please include your license key and license information.
Please note: Your ATLAS.ti license can only be upgraded to a newer license of the same category. A single-user license can only be upgraded to a single-user license, and multi-user licenses only to multi-user licenses of the same volume.