Live online training

Navigating Ethnographic Research with ATLAS.ti: Tools and Techniques

About this training

Ethnographic research provides deep insights into cultural practices, beliefs, and social dynamics. Managing the diverse range of qualitative data such as field notes, interviews, and artifacts can be challenging. This webinar explores how ATLAS.ti streamlines the data management and analysis process for ethnographic research, enabling you to focus on the cultural phenomena under study.

You will learn

  • How to organize and manage field notes, interviews, and cultural artifacts within ATLAS.ti
  • Techniques for coding and categorizing observational and interview data for thematic analysis
  • Ways to integrate multimedia files, such as photographs and audio recordings, into your ethnographic study
  • Strategies for linking related data points and building complex network views for deeper analysis
  • How to ensure research rigor and validity using ATLAS.ti’s comprehensive suite of analytic tools
Recurring Dates
This webinar is held on a regular basis in various languages. Please check the availabilites below.
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