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ATLAS.ti trial now

Try our native desktop apps on Mac and Windows plus our Web version for browsers – it's free.

Trusted by the world’s leading organizations

Try the ATLAS.ti free trial for Mac, Windows, and Web

  1. Sign up for free and instantly start your ATLAS.ti trial for our range of products.
  2. Try any product: Desktop app for Mac, Desktop app for Windows, and our Web version for browsers.
  3. Experience ATLAS.ti without restrictions for up to five days within a 45-day period. AI Coding is currently in beta and offers free access with some usage restrictions. For best results, we recommend you start with a document no longer than 500 words.
How long is the trial period, and are there any limitations?

With a trial license, you can test ATLAS.ti versions without functional restrictions for up to five days within 45 days. However, the trial version of ATLAS.ti provides free access to AI Coding and AI Summaries, which are currently in beta, with some usage restrictions. In the trial versions, between 6000 to 12.000 words can be analyzed with AI Coding. Therefore, in order to be able to perform AI Coding multiple times, we recommend testing with documents under 500 words.

After the trial license expiration, the program defaults to a restricted version that lets you view projects of any size and create and use projects of limited size (10 documents, 50 quotations, 25 codes, 2 memos). No new trial version can be obtained if you already have an active license or have had a trial version before.

What are the technical requirements for the desktop app trial?

As the desktop trial version is identical to the full version, the same technical requirements apply.

It is possible to install the ATLAS.ti 23 trial version side-by-side with an existing licensed version of ATLAS.ti 9. Note: The trial version has no data recovery after a crash – the full version does. This means that if a session with the trial version should terminate prematurely for any reason, all data that has not been saved by that point will be lost.